About me:

My name is Afrooz Razi and I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Research background:

I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2018. After graduation, I worked as a lab technician at Dr. Kevin S. McIver’s lab where I was introduced to genomics research. Pursuing this interest, I chose the Human Genetics and Genomics Ph.D. program in 2020 and was fascinated by the cutting edge research being done at Dr. Kasper D. Hansen’s lab. I joined the lab in 2021 and have been involved in multiple different projects since then.

I am interested in understanding the effects of non-coding genetic variations on allelic imbalance. To do so, we developed a statistical model that enabled us to genotype publicly available samples only using RNA-seq data. This work creates the largest RNA-seq data with matching genotype information. I am leveraging this data to better understand the role of non-coding variants in downstream gene expression.


